(prepare to have your ears killed) awh, yeah! you know what it is. it's me, ya boy, scepterpan. (i'm) back from my videos. (pff!) which... none of which exist up to this point. yeah. it's uh... gah... why am i so excited? it's just a train track, dude. eh...ugh! yeah, well i am excited, it's my first video, man! i hope you guys are going to enjoy it, at least... ehm, a little bit. so there we have it the fuckin'... - ah god, there we have it... : the first swear word out, already - doing great 2x, gotta censor myself. anyway, yeah, we're building a map to (swallows whole bagel) my city: sceptapan city influenced by uh, the great fluxburgh of fluxtrance. you know, (regurgitating that bagel) i'm so excited to do this (kevin macleod music) ah, i don't even know where to begin. so basically this is the introduction video. and i'm going to show you... my map! that i've been building... since... i think i started somewhere in early august. (regu