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aubrey: so we'll start with a brief overview.first we'll introduce what are keyboard shortcuts. and then we'll warm up a little bit with usinga couple of [blackboard] collaborate keyboard shortcuts. and then janet will begin our workshopsegment where you'll actually follow along with us, create a word document using somekeyboard shortcuts, create a small powerpoint, a short powerpoint using shortcuts. then you'lle mail both of those documents to us using either outlook or gmail, whichever you'remore comfortable with. and we'll walk you through all of these steps. so we wanted tomake today's session as hands on as possible so that you get practice with these keyboardshortcuts. so hopefully they will become part of your repertoire of shortcuts. if there'sanybody just joining us, please confirm your

audio settings by selecting the blue microphonethat has the little red star on it, and that will run your audio set up wizard. let usknow if you want to speak at any time. you can raise your hand, you can press the "talk"button to turn your microphone on. there's a box to respond to poll questions. we willhave a short poll in the workshop session. or you can simply type your question or yourcomment in the chat box on the lower left hand corner of your screen. and, again, thissession is being recorded. we do archive and caption all our sessions, make them availableonline on our website. your name will not appear on the recording and the participantlist or text/chat area. however, if you speak with your microphone your voice may be heard.before we begin, do we have any questions?

let's talk first about what is a shortcutkey. i'd love to get some participation here. anyone who wants to participate please typein the chat box in the lower left hand corner what is a shortcut key. any explanation thatyou have for it is fine. so the question is, what is a shortcut key? i see michael typing.i'm just waiting for it to go through. okay, quicker alternatives to using menu, use twokeys on a keyboard instead. absolutely. so instead of going to the menu in microsoftword, for example, you can press sometimes it's one key sometimes it's two, it can bethree or four at the same time; it'll do the same function. and colleen said, "try to finda microphone and headset." that's fine. if you have a speaker on your computer, you canturn the speaker on and then you can communicate

with us with the chat. that's fine. okay,so why shortcut keys? they can be used for accessibility. if someone is visually impairedand they access a computer with a screen reader, you can use the shortcut keys to keep yourhands in the same place on the keyboard and navigate around that way. it also can savea lot of time. if you use your mouse and your hands are moving back and forth between themouse and your keyboard then you have to find your place on the keyboard again every time.and that takes time. in fact, studies show that an average person loses two seconds perminute at work by switching back and forth from their mouse. so that's as much as eightdays per year. so with faculty, i know that you do most of your work on your own timeor from home. so eight days a year can really

add up and make a big difference in the amountof time that you spend when you're grading or you're planning. and also, a lot of peopledon't know that only 10% of people know how to search for a word on a web page or in adocument with a shortcut key. so after today's workshop you'll be in that top 10%. so, we'llstart warming up by using shortcut keys with collaborate. and we have a picture of thekeyboard here. so if you press ctrl+alt and your up arrow, if you want to make your speakervolume louder. and i'm going to keep talking so you can test this because if no one istalking then you can't test this. or if you want to lower your speaker volume, ctrl+altdown. so you can use this to turn your speaker volume up and down without using mouse. soafter you've done this, if you would please

give me a green checkmark. so if you lookabove the list of names there's a little box with a checkmark in it. and you can clickon the green one and that’ll let me know you're ready to move on. okay, great, great,oh, excellent. okay, it looks like we have a question coming in from michael. so i'mgoing to wait just a minute. oh, really? hmm. michael, are you on a mac? okay. so just checkingthat you pushed ctrl and then not actually oh, it turned the image on your screen upsidedown. okay. that's interesting. so make sure you're not actually pressing the + signs.those are just kind of to show that you're adding these together. so you'll just hitctrl, alt and up and see what that does. let's see, is this working for you guys? testingit again. ctrl, alt, up. i guess i should

keep talking. so, it did it again. i thoughtit was because i have a message that internet explorer stopped. okay, so, hmm. maybe thisis a browser issue. so it could work differently in different browsers. i wasn't aware thatit would but yeah, that's a good point. diann says make sure that you use your mouse toclick on the [blackboard] collaborate window, and then try it again. so click somewhereon the collaborate window, maybe on the whiteboard. that's a good point. and then ctrl, alt, up,to make it louder. ctrl, alt, down. is it working any better for anyone? okay, that'sinteresting. oh, and now my monitor just went off. but when i tested this when we were planningfor this, it didn't do that. okay, we'll look into this, and we'll follow up with maybean explanation why it does this and if there's

a better shortcut. that's true, michael, computersdo work in mysterious ways. okay, moving along let's see if this one does what we expectit to. so you can toggle your talk button on and off with ctrl+f2. so hopefully thisone will work the way it's supposed to. okay, it worked for linda. so ctrl+f2 will turnyour microphone on. so if everyone wants to try this. ctrl+f2. and then after you tryit if you would go ahead and turn it off again. okay, how is this working for people? arewe having complications? so my guess is that people are trying maybe the last shortcutkey and still experimenting with that one or people are having trouble. oh, not everyoneis using a microphone. that makes sense. at the end of the session we'll also push outa printable guide with all of these shortcuts

as well so you can try them after this sessionalso. if you press ctrl+r it will raise your hand. so again, make sure you've clicked somewherein the collaborate window. all right. this is working. great. okay, and then if you wantto move your cursor to the chat box press ctrl+m. if you don't mind, if you’d go aheadand give us a little clue that it worked for you while you're in there. so ctrl+m and then,yeah, yay, that's perfect. kind of put whatever you like. all right. good. okay, so we'removing into our workshop session now. so i'm going to pass this over to janet, and she'llwalk you through the workshop session. janet: thank you, aubrey, that was a wonderfulintroduction. we're trying not to go too fast or to overwhelm you, but we have quite a fewtips to present today. so we're going to practice

them as we go. we're going to create the documentsusing the shortcuts, and at the end you have the option to e mail those to us. just forpractice. we're not going to grade you. if you got a question, please use the chat box,and we'll respond to your question as soon as possible. first of all, we have a polli have to change that okay, do you use keyboard shortcuts? if you use them often, you canuse ctrl+1, and respond. if you use keyboard shortcuts just a few times, ctrl+2 will helpyou respond. and if never, ctrl+3 will help you respond. so we're actually using the keyboardshortcuts to answer the poll. it looks like most everyone has responded. and we have,so far, four people that said a or often. b, we have one person responding a few times.and c, a person who never uses keyboard shortcuts.

so we have a wide variety of people. yay!thank you. and you can visually see on your screen the responses. okay, moving along.if you want what we're going to try to do is if you have a single screen, we're goingto try to adjust your collaborate window smaller so that you can do some of the work products,the word document and later on powerpoint in a separate window and you can see bothwindows. i know it's a challenge. if you have two screens, great. just grab one screen andmove it over to the second screen. and you can work with the two screens. either way,if you want to make your window smaller, for collaborate, you can use the windows key +a down arrow. or if you want to move it to the side it will divide your screen in half.vertically split this. and you can move it

to the left side with windows plus the leftarrow, or if you prefer, you can use it to the right side using the windows key plusthe right arrow key at the same time. and how is that working? is everyone getting itresized? if so, please give a green check. oh, goodness, colleen, you may have to useyour mouse to just grab and make it smaller if the keyboard shortcut is not working. okay,we've got a few people typing. okay, we have matthew [inaudible] here helping. great. iam going to assume that we can find some solutions. there is some chat going on offering help.and so we're moving along to the next slide. and we have just a general slide about word.and this little section is going to be about word keyboard shortcuts. probably obvious,but, we'd like to open a new word document.

so you might want to go to-- if you have alink on your desktop, you can open that. or if you need to go down to your programs menuand open it from there. we'll give you a moment to open it and then resize it so that maybeyou can see both our webinar screen plus your word document screen. and when that has beenaccomplished, if you will give me a green check mark on resizing the two windows inthe same screen, or if you have two screens just moving one screen to aside to the secondmonitor. and we have a document that was coming through. if you'll save it to your desktopor your my documents, wherever you would prefer to save it, that would be a good thing. thisis just a little handout for some keyboard shortcut tips. okay, do we have everyone viewingtwo screens? they're in the collaborate session

that we're working in, and your powerpoint,oh, i'm sorry word document. if so, please give a green check mark. okay, looks likemost everyone has that. so we'll move on to the next item to do. in your word document,you can type in this equal sign plus r-a-n-d for random. and then parentheses, withouta space, an open parentheses five, the number five, and close parentheses. justlike you see here. and then hit the "enter" key on your keyboard and random texts willappear. and the five means there's going to be five paragraphs. so you can change thenumber to whatever you prefer. if you like this tip, this is a great way to practicewithout having to think of what to type or say in a document just to create some textso we have this information here in our new--

after we performed equal sign, rand, [open] parentheses, five, close parentheses. so we've got that. all right. okay, i'm going to-- i assume we’vegot that and we're moving on. okay, ctrl+f. this is kind of like the gateway shortcutkey. aubrey said, only 10% of users know how this works or know that it exists. ctrl+fis a find key. it opens in word, it opens in microsoft documents such as works on internet browsers. so it's a pretty good option. it even works within say if you'rereading an [electronic] article and you just want to quickly check does it have a word or phrase i'm looking for so this 20 page article is worth reading?

so, if you've done ctrl+f, go ahead and typein "easily", and hit "enter". and you will find that it has highlighted the word "easily"in your document. did that work? i'm glad that was new to someone and they're planningto use it. use it heavily. i use it probably a dozen times a day if not more. use's just a fast way to get things done. okay, thank you. it looks like most everyone hasaccomplished this. and so if you add emphasis to that text that you created, double clickthat text, say the first paragraph. double click that with your mouse, and do ctrl+bto add bold face font, to your font. on the second paragraph, select it with your mouse,and use ctrl+i, and you'll see it change to

italics. the third paragraph, go ahead anddo ctrl+u to underline that text. did that work? if it worked for you then you can clickthe green check mark above the list of names. yes! i'm glad-- it looks like everyone isgetting it. thank you so much. we're going to do a little bit more advanced use of thesigned function. and we're going to find and replace text. i know everyone has to revisethe syllabus or some document that may have a date or a word that you would prefer tochange. so we're going to use ctrl+h, and it will bring up this find and replace box.on the first line where it says, "find what", find “easily" is what we're going to putin. we're going to add the word "easily".

type that in. then go down to the second box,and replace with, and what's the word we want to replace it with? we're going to say "readily".and then we can just click the replace button one time. if we just want to do it once, orif we have quite a few appearances, we might want to hit "replace all". and then your entiredocument is updated. of course, you'll want to recheck that document to make sure thingswent well. and, that no unintended actions occurred. but generally, anything that youdo, you control that by the words you select. so you could put fall semester, and updateit to spring semester that we want to replace it with. and then when we're done, you canclick "cancel" and your document is updated, you can save it. you're ready to go on. i'massuming everyone is okay with that, correct?

okay, thank you for the green check marks.i don't want to get ahead of anyone too much. if you changed your mind about those changesthat you just did, you can do ctrl+z to undo the change. and then you can redo that changewith ctrl+y. now, i've used this a few times to go, hmm... which word is better for this usagehere? so you can debate with yourself going back and forth if that's something you wantto do. but also this is a way to make your changes interactive. you can go back and forthand undo or redo these. so here we see we have we changed that word from "easily" to "readily" and now we've undone it and we've redone it or redo it, and change it just go along. okay, to select all page content, click ctrl+ the letter a key. itshould highlight, just like this here,

the full text of your document. and what we're going to do with that next is we're going to do ctrl+b to bold face all the text. andi'll give you a moment to make sure ctrl+b bold faced your text. and we'll play a littlebit more with this keyboard shortcut and save our document on our computer. save it [ctrl+s] to my documents or desktop. some place that you can find it pretty quickly. then use yourown name as the file name, and you can e mail it later in this session using your cool is that? okay, i'm assuming everyone has had a chance to name their document and save it. is that correct? checkmark.yay! good, thank you.

and now we're moving along to you can close word, and in its place we're going to open powerpoint and do the same thing.we're going to make the screen smaller, or move the screen over to your second monitor,and we'll work on it that way. so it should be something similar to this in appearanceif you have one screen and you're working with two documents on that one screen. soyou have here your collaborate session and then your powerpoint session document. itmay take a minute to resize. i’ll give you that. and i'll assume that you are workingon that. and since the ctrl+arrow key wasn't working too well for most people, we'll skip that. we'll just use the mouse to resize [screens].

so once you have powerpoint open, we're going to create a new blank presentation with shortcut keys. first, use alt+f. that opens your file tab. once your file tab is open we'll click on the letter n for new,and once that is open we'll go to l + enter to open or select a blank document. and thenthe enter key should open a new blank document after you click l. that work? thank you foryour responses and interactivity during this. we want to make sure you're actually learningas we go, and i appreciate your participation. so we have the opening slide. we want to puta title in there and then in the subtitle area maybe your name. you can get creativeif you'd like. if not, go with the first thought that comes to you. once we have a title slidefor our powerpoint presentation, we can move

on and use the ctrl+m key to open a new slide.and it's a blank slide. and so here we can go ahead. once we have that, we can go aheadand add a graphic image to your slide. i thought we would get into a little bit of a more challengingkeyboard shortcut that may actually may be useful in the future. use the alt+n key, andonce that has selected the link, the alt key turns on the keyboard shortcuts, justso you know. and then the n brings up the new item. and then we'd like to go to “f”for graphic image folder. and search the world "smile" and then hit “enter”. here, keyboardshortcuts can be used or a mouse. if you want to try the keyboard, use the tab key downseveral times. and then it will select the first image, and then from there you wantto navigate with your arrows down or to the

right or left. once you have that, it is bestto go ahead and click on the right side of that image, or click on the image somewhere,and then use ctrl+c. that's your copy function. click back on your slide, and ctrl+v shouldpaste. and i see i have extra text on this slide, we'll see that. how's that workingfor you? i know that's a little complicated, but in my testing it worked. so have you gota graphic image added to your second slide? please use the green check mark when you havecompleted that. i'll assume that people are playing around with this, and that's great.helps reinforce that learning. yes, use the alt+n keys first. the second step is to usethe letter f, and then do your search for a word.

i used "smile", but you can use somethingelse. and once you see it reaches up here, you can select the image using your mouseor the keys. use the tab arrow to move through the top section. and then once it has reachedthe first image, you can navigate with your arrow keys, down, left, right or up. i selectedthis smile image, and then clicked ctrl+c, clicked on this slide, and ctrl+v to pasteit. just to make sure everyone has had time to do that. i only have one green check markso i'm going to wait a little bit longer and see if everyone can accomplish this with thekeyboard. okay, well, i knew this would be the challenge of the day, perhaps. but i knowin powerpoint we create documents using images and text so we want to show you those.

and for repositioning that image-- i'm sorry, that text was moved to another slide-- youcan find your image as when you pasted it. but if you want to reposition it move it tothe side, up, down, wherever you want to go. you can click on that image and then use thearrow keys, left, right, up, down. it will move in larger increments. but if you justneed to fine tune that when you get it close to where you want it to be, hold the ctrlkey+arrow key and then it moves in tiny little millimeter type size adjustments. so if youwant to perfectly center an item or adjust the placement of text and images, you cando that. this works with images as well as blocks of text. is everyone okay?

okay, i'm glad everyone is finding ways to use keyboard shortcuts. and then we're going to createa third slide. we're going to add a title, you can just type, be creative, slide three.or something else, and this we're going to go into an internet browser, just tellingyou in advance, we're going to go into your favorite internet browser and we're goingto copy some text into this slide. so we'll do this title first, and then we'll go grab the text and come back to this slide and insert the text here. so we're going to go into yourfavorite web browser, whether that's firefox, chrome, internet explorer or safari. any ofthose, i know it might take a few seconds to get the network to open those. so if you'reusing firefox, chrome, ie, different versions

of ie exist and/or safari, the challenge isto find a place to put that on your screen. resize it just small enough that you can stillread it but maybe manage to view the webinar screen, and you can just kind of just placeyour browser over the top of your powerpoint because we'll go through that and return there.we're going to arrange the screen somehow. now if you have two screens you're in luck.this won't be quite as hard a task. so you can open or drag your windows around so thatyou can manipulate this. once you have your browser open, use ctrl+l. it will place thecursor in the address bar. and then you can use the backspace key to delete what's there. and then type in in the [address or url] bar. and this will open, and then hit enter.

this will take you to our web page. i know, gratuitous advertising but we want you to know how to find our website,and we are also wanting you to use keyboard shortcuts. once you have arrived at our website,it looks like this. the best way we found really was to use your mouse. there were some cumbersome ways to do it with keyboard shortcuts, but it was cumbersome. we're going to take a little shortcut and just highlight the text. then once it's highlighted you can press ctrl+cto copy that. and we'll just use the first paragraph on the website and copy that text.and then you can use ctrl+w to close each browser tab. so if you have multiple tabsset to open you may have to repeat ctrl+w a few times. so your handout that aubrey pushedout earlier has some more tips and resources

for finding browser tips. also, one resourcethat was found, forty-seven keyboard shortcuts that work in all browsers. all major browsershave quite a few common shortcut keys. then some very specific keyboard shortcuts applyto individual browsers. so if you're interested you might go to the how to geek website andlook for keyboard shortcuts that work. "forty-seven keyboard shortcuts" is a good way togoogle it if you're looking for it that way. now, let's go back to your powerpoint. let'sclose your browser entirely. we're done with that. and we need to go back to our powerpointand click on your third slide. once you've clicked on the slide, you can do ctrl+v topaste the first paragraph that you copied off of teaching and learning with technology's [tlt] web page [at texas woman's university].

i have a couple of responses but okay. we'll assume that you'vegot text on your slide three in powerpoint. so let's go to the text and select all of it. we just want to use that "select all" [ctrl+a] function. and then we can add emphasis like we've donebefore in word. we can add ctrl+b for bold face. ctrl+i for italicize. and ctrl+u tounderline. i know that you probably won't do all three of those at the same time orapply it to all text, but this is just a way to experiment with those options usingyour keyboard shortcuts. now, to undo all that formatting we can do ctrl+v. if you doit three times you'll have to click ctrl+v three times. so the same number of times youapply formatting changes, click the ctrl+v

the same number of times and get it back to just normal text. so everyone having is everyone going well? or give us a green check if yesor red x if you're still working on it. okay, thank you. looks like everyone made it through to this point. and then we're going to save our powerpoint on your computer. so ctrl+s,again, we'll do the save. and once you have saved it, you can use your name [as a file name]. we will have aubrey take over and show you how to email those documents using keyboard shortcuts.any questions to this point? aubrey: thank you, janet. that was now we're going to talk about how to

email those documents that you made using keyboard shortcuts. and i know that some people use outlook, some people use gmail. so i'll showyou keyboard shortcuts in each one. first we'll do outlook and then gmail and then we'lltalk about both. if you're an outlook user, go ahead and open your outlook, please. andit's just ctrl+n to compose a new message. now, i'm going to jump over to google, andthen we'll come back to outlook. so outlook users, just bear with us. okay, if you'rea gmail user, and even if you're not using gmail at this time, it might be interestingfor you to see how to turn shortcuts on in gmail. so what you do is you go to gmail andyou press the question mark. and, of course, you’d press shift and the question markbecause it's the upper symbol on the key.

and then what that does is it opens this keyboardshortcuts window. and in the middle of that window you see a yellow bar. so i'm just goingto repeat really quickly. to get to this window, you select the question mark, that's it. whenyou're in gmail you hit the question mark. so then you get this window, and then a littlefurther than midway down you see that yellow bar that goes straight across the says "enable" you want to check that. so you click enable and that will enable shortcutsin gmail. so once you turn that on you'll be able to use all kinds of shortcuts. anyquestions about that? i know not everyone is using gmail so i won't ask for the greencheck marks, but i'll give an opportunity to ask any questions before i move on. okay,so then to close that window in the upper

right hand corner is the close button. okay,and then to compose a new message in gmail you simply press the letter “c”. and it will open a new message. and how gmail works is you still see your inbox and then usually the new message pops up on the lower right hand corner. now whether you're in outlook or gmail, in the address bar please put our e mail addresses in janet’s is is apparently there have been a lot of aevans’ here at twu beforei got here. and then in your subject line write lttd or live to the desktop. then goahead and attach the word document that you created and saved today during our sessionand also the powerpoint document that you created and saved. please feel free to typein the chat box if you have any questions.

and then when you're ready to send it usingshortcut keys in outlook alt+s, in gmail it's ctrl+enter. anyone have any questions? okay, and also feel free to ask us any questions via e mail. i know somebody had a little troublewith powerpoint. if anything comes up, feel free to send us an e mail and ask questions. congratulations! you've now used shortcuts to increase your productivity in the following platforms: collaborate, microsoft word, powerpoint,a variety of browsers, outlook & gmail. if you're one to make a new year's resolution,

shortcut keys to increase time and productivitycould be a good one to make. you could try to incorporate two or three that you learnedhere today into your daily life during the semester. and then a good goal might be eachsemester add in one new shortcut key and after a couple of years you'll have a whole new repertoire of shortcut keys that make work faster. so these are some of the linksand the sources that we used to create this workshop. yes, we have a question. diann: hi, this is diann. i just wanted totell you that i figured out how to adjust volume in blackboard collaborate. if you wantedto amend that one. because i was researching it because i was curious why it didn't workbecause that's a listed shortcut, but if you

do ctrl+shift up and down, that seems to workfor volume. sorry, that's all. aubrey: wonderful, thank you, diann. and diannwill also be leading our next upcoming session with stacy greathouse on february 18th from10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and it's on accommodation features for online students. and followingthat in march we have issues and accessibility when using third party tools, and then afterthat we'll have an enhancing your courses with google's gadgets. and these will alsobe announced on our website. so feel free, like i said, to contact janet or me with anyquestions or comments. and before we end today does anybody have any questions or anythingyou want to add? okay, janet has sent the link for survey monkey

so we would love it if you take our survey and give us your input on today's session. thank you everyone for joining us.
